Garbhsanskar – Nurturing baby with care and love



Garbhsanskar is as divine as it sounds. Garbh means “womb” and Sanskar means “ethics” or “values” Parenting your child and teaching ethics inside the mother’s womb can be the most blissful experience that any parent can imagine. The greatest evidence of Garbh Sanskar’s spiritual journey is our historical background. During pregnancy, the mother maintains a healthy balanced diet that helps to develop a strong , healthy placenta that determines the birth weight and future health of the child in adult life. Likewise positive emotions like affection, excitement, gratitude and healthy thought parents bring the unborn child to the womb of the mother, while negative feelings, depression and stress affect the unborn child.

GarbhSanskar educates the child in the womb, instilling moral, traditional, and spiritual values. In Indian culture, especially in Hinduism, this education begins from conception. Science supports the early benefits of Garbh Sanskar for babies in the womb.

The mother’s relationship with the baby starts at conception, and as the baby develops, it listens to the mother and senses her emotions. Therefore, transmitting positive thoughts, energies, and emotions to the baby and the pregnant woman herself is crucial.

Through practices like listening to good music, reading positive material, meditating, and doing yoga, the mother can shape the baby’s initial thoughts and well-being.

Good thought and action encourages the emotional, physical well-being of the mother and the fetus during pregnancy and after pregnancy. The benefits of garbh sanskar are not only that you enlighten your baby’s thoughts, but it also helps in the formation of a connection between the mother and the baby.

What all impacts during Prenatal phase?

The well-being of mothers directly affects the baby, including their physical, psychological, and spiritual health. The environment, food, thoughts, and experiences during pregnancy impact the infant. Scientific Garbh Sanskar, based on traditional practices and research, aims to optimize a child’s health, intellect, love, and culture, ensuring a promising future.

The concept of prenatal Sanskar, imparting good thoughts during pregnancy, is vital. Mothers’ activities like prayer, positive emotions, conversation with the fetus, and touch have a positive impact on the baby’s physical and mental health. These intentional actions for a positive environment and baby’s growth are known as Garbh Sanskar, fostering an intuitive connection with the unborn child.

In today’s competitive world, the future generation needs knowledge, resourcefulness, and imagination. Women’s influence is significant, and enhancing it through Garbha Sanskar empowers the baby. As the proverb goes, “The hand that cradles the baby rules the universe,” underlining the importance of this practice.

Current Trends on GarbhSanskar

People now understand the significance of GarbhSanskar. The old idea of having many children has faded, with slogans like “Hum do hamare do” or even “Hum do hamara ek” becoming common. It’s about nurturing a single child in a sophisticated way to ensure exceptional, all-round qualities and pride.

To achieve the best Garbh Sanskar, many Ayurveda GarbhSanskar centers have emerged in our country. Young women eager to become parents seek this approach for their future ‘precious child.’

The power of GarbhSanskar lies in sound, such as mantras and shlokas, as rhythmic sounds effectively influence the child’s subconscious mind. Sound waves’ vibrations impact both the mother and the unborn baby, making music tailored for Garbha Sanskar beneficial for the baby’s health and personality development.

Mythological Narrative around GarbhSanskar

In the Ramayana, before Lord Rama’s birth through the ‘putra kameshti yagna,’ King Dashratha received ‘payas’ from Agni devata, resembling a form of ‘Garbh Sanskar.’ This event reflects ancient beliefs in nurturing a child’s development even before birth.

Similarly, in the Mahabharata, a well-known story involves Arjuna teaching Abhimanyu how to enter a ‘chakravyuha’ while still in the womb of his mother, Subhadra. This narrative further underscores the significance of Garbh Sanskar during ancient times.

According to Charakacharya, the baby’s mind in the womb assimilates with the parents. What a pregnant woman hears, including stories, songs, and music, profoundly influences her baby’s developing mind. Thus, to nurture a well-behaved and imaginative child, it’s crucial for the pregnant woman to focus on positive thoughts and healthy sanskars by avoiding negativity and embracing Garbh Sanskar.

“It has also been scientifically accepted that the subconscious mind of the foetus can be more powerfully affected than the conscious mind of the adult child after birth.”

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