About UpTodd

Journey of UpTodd has roots which started in 2015 when three dedicated individuals united with a mission to transform the lives of children. As founders of an education-focused NGO, they were surprised to see the untapped potential in the children, burdened by gaps in their foundation. It was a concern that weighed heavily on their hearts, and they were determined to find a solution that would give these children the right start in life.

Parental Aspirations

Concerns lead the team to Meet and collaborate with over 5000 parents in 2 years, revealed a treasure trove of untapped potential within each child, regardless of their background. The founders realized that children’s innate genius abilities could erode if they lacked the right stimuli during their crucial first three years of life.

In a rapidly changing world, children face numerous challenges: speech delays, limited socialization, and constant digital distractions hinder their early development. Parents aspire to provide their children with a brighter future, free from the obstacles they experienced. However, the complexities of modern life often impede the realization of this dream.

The turning point happened when they encountered a team of top psychologists and experts from Harvard University and AIIMS. Together, they comprehended a fundamental truth: every baby is born with innate genius abilities. However, these abilities can diminish if they don’t receive the right stimulation during their crucial first three years. From top athletes to musicians and tech professionals, the experiences and stimuli they encounter in those critical early years shape their capabilities.

Quest of Solution

Inspired by this revelation, they embarked on a journey to assist 138 diverse families with babies aged 0-3, including their own children. They also included 24 underprivileged infants in this endeavor. Their team expanded, involving over 100 experts from IITs, AIIMS, MIT & Stanford University. Together, they analyzed over 10,000 research papers to create a program that integrates globally recognized methodologies, stimulating brain development, and providing essential parenting guidance.

The fruit of their labor was a personalized solution that babies from diverse backgrounds to surpass developmental milestones, often at an impressively young age. By placing a strong emphasis on stimulating brain development, providing invaluable parenting guidance, and furnishing age-appropriate organic toys and kits, UpTodd achieved exceptional outcomes. Model was evolved from techniques from globally recognized methodologies, including early stimulation from Glenn Doman, Montessori’s emphasis on independence and exploration, Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences from Harvard University, Waldorf’s holistic approach, the Reggio Emilia Approach’s focus on creativity, indigenous parenting and mindful parenting.

Birth of UpTodd

In 2019, UpTodd officially launched, rapidly extending its reach to parents in over 150 countries by 2021. What had initially started as WhatsApp communities underwent an evolution, transforming into a comprehensive program characterized by advanced technology and a meticulously researched, personalized framework. UpTodd serves as a testament to the profound belief that every child possesses the potential for greatness, regardless of their background.

We promise parents that they do not have to undertake the intricate path of child-rearing in solitude. UpTodd serves as a guiding companion, a parenting ally, and a passionate advocate for the dormant genius residing within each and every child.

In a world where every child is an embodiment of uniqueness and every family’s aspirations possess profound significance, UpTodd signifies hope and transformation. We invite you to join us on this extraordinary voyage as we persist in unlocking the potential for genius in children while empowering families across the globe. Be part of the UpTodd movement by sharing this narrative.