Impact of social media on new age parenthood 

Impact of Social Media in Parenting

The impact of social media is pervasive, encompassing individuals of all age groups, from children to adults, teenagers to the elderly. Parents, too, have leveraged the power of social media for various purposes, including networking with fellow parents, sourcing information for personal and professional endeavors, and engaging in leisure activities. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the inherent disadvantages associated with social media, such as dependency, cyberbullying, and the dissemination of misinformation.

Increasingly, parents are turning to social media platforms not only for communication but also for entertainment. However, it is essential to recognize that excessive utilization of social media can impact parenting dynamics. The shift from in-person conversations to digital exchanges within families, even when residing in close proximity or under the same roof, is indicative of this changing landscape.


First of all let us explore the benefits of social media 

  1. Social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide a valuable platform for parents to connect with others who share common interests and experiences. This connectivity is particularly essential for new parents who may grapple with feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty regarding the various challenges of parenting and
  2. Another advantage of social media for parents is it helps in engaging in constructive challenges with other parents. This can help parents feel more connected to others and can be helpful. 
  3. This social media information is especially beneficial for first-time parents who are unsure how to keep an eye on their youngster. It also gives parents access to parental groups where they may ask questions and get assistance from other parents and professionals. 

Reference from The Influence of Social Media on Modern Parenting and The Effects of Social Media on Parents and Parenting


After Discussing the benefits of social media now let us dive into the cons social media has for parents:

  1. Addiction and excessive dependence on social media pose significant challenges. Parents who grapple with social media addiction often allocate excessive time to their smartphones, which can hinder their ability to engage with their children effectively. This lack of proper attention can be detrimental, particularly in the context of caring for infants.
  2. The lack of reliability on social media platforms is a notable concern. These platforms are frequently utilized for the dissemination of rumors and misleading information, which can significantly influence parents’ perspectives on parenthood. The issue of misinformation is particularly critical in the context of medical advice, as parents might form opinions grounded in inaccurate information, potentially jeopardizing their child’s well-being. It is vital for parents to exercise discernment and seek out trustworthy sources when making decisions related to their children’s health and upbringing.
  3. Unrealistic expectations: Images of perfect homes, ideal children, and perfect parents are abundant on social media platforms such as Instagram. This might lead to unreasonable expectations for parents and feelings of inadequacy and guilt.
  4. Increase in need of validation: Need of validation increases with the use of social media. Social media can put pressure on parents and lead to comparisons with other parents, which might impact their need for validation. 

Reference from The Effects of Social Media on Parents and Parenting

So dear parents choose wisely and always try creating a moderation for the use of social media as with the advent of technology it has become easy for us to navigate various things but cons can not be forgotten or looked down upon. Follow UpTodd Super Daily Program for more information for your parenting journey.