The Connection Between C-Section Babies, Gas, and Colic: Exploring the Link

C - Section Gas And Colic

Welcoming our little ones into the world is a happy occasion, but many new parents face a lot of challenges, particularly if their baby experiences excessive gas and colic. Research suggests that babies born via caesarean section (C-section) may be more prone to these issues compared to those born vaginally. In this blog, our development expert, Dr. Clara Guru, will guide us about the potential reasons behind this phenomenon, learning about the connection between C-section deliveries, gas, and colic in newborns.

What is colic?

Colic is defined as frequent, long-lasting, and severe crying or fussiness in a healthy baby. Colic can be particularly challenging for parents. The baby’s discomfort arises without any obvious reason, and comforting efforts often prove ineffective. These crying events frequently occur in the evening.

Colic episodes often peak around the age of 6 weeks and decrease dramatically after 3 to 4 months. There is a general rule of three: if your baby cries inconsolably for more than three hours per day, three days per week, and is between three weeks and three months old, the baby may have colic.

what are the Reasons behind this?

  • Altered Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome, comprised of trillions of microorganisms, plays a crucial role in digestive health and immune function. Many of the bacteria in a newborn baby’s gut come from the mother. The method of delivery has a significant impact on how well the baby’s stomach is filled with good bacteria. A vaginal birth exposes the newborn to the mother’s vaginal microbiota. This allows the baby’s gut to become filled with good bacteria. A newborn delivered via C-section is placed in a sterile environment. As a result, the number of beneficial bacteria in the stomach may be reduced. However, infants delivered via C-section miss out on this exposure, potentially leading to imbalances in their gut bacteria. Research suggests that alterations in the gut microbiome could contribute to gastrointestinal issues such as gas and colic in newborns.

Reference from Caesarean babies have lower level of ‘good’ gut bacteria, study shows and Role of cesarean section in the development of neonatal gut microbiota: A systematic review

  • Delayed Initiation of Breastfeeding

Immediate skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding initiation are often delayed in C-section deliveries due to medical procedures and recovery protocols. Breast milk contains prebiotics and probiotics that support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria in infants. Delayed initiation of breastfeeding may disrupt the establishment of a healthy gut microbiome in C-section babies, increasing their susceptibility to gas-related discomfort and colic.

Reference from Caesarean babies have lower level of ‘good’ gut bacteria, study shows and Role of cesarean section in the development of neonatal gut microbiota: A systematic review

  • Impact of Maternal Factors

Maternal factors associated with C-sections, such as stress during labour, use of anaesthesia, and administration of antibiotics, can indirectly affect the baby’s gut health and digestion. Maternal stress during labour may influence foetal stress levels, which could impact the baby’s gastrointestinal function. Antibiotics given to the mother during a C-section can disturb the bacterial balance in both the mother and baby. This disruption may lead to gastrointestinal problems in the newborn baby.

Reference from Caesarean babies have lower level of ‘good’ gut bacteria, study shows

  • Breastfeeding Challenges

Babies born via C-section may experience a variety of breastfeeding challenges. These may include difficulty latching, delayed milk production, and maternal discomfort due to surgical recovery. Breastfeeding provides comfort and helps with digestion in newborns. Any difficulties in the breastfeeding process may worsen gas-related discomfort and increase the likelihood of colic.

Do we need to worry about Gut bacteria?

According to research on how birth mode affects the microbiota, newborns born by caesarian section have different gut bacteria than those born vaginally, but the differences fade by the time the newborns are 6 to 9 months old. By the time newborns are weaned, at roughly 6 to 9 months old, these problems mostly disappear. 

It is important to note that while differences in gut microbiota composition between C-section and vaginal birth have been observed, not all babies born via C-section will experience adverse health effects. Additionally, the gut microbiota is highly dynamic and influenced by various factors beyond the mode of delivery, including breastfeeding, diet, environment, and antibiotic use.

To help promote a healthy gut microbiota in babies born via C-section, strategies such as early skin-to-skin contact with the mother, breastfeeding (if possible), and exposure to diverse environmental bacteria can be beneficial.

Reference from Caesarean babies have lower level of ‘good’ gut bacteria, study shows

common symptoms of gas

  1. Fussiness and Irritability: Babies may become fussy, cranky, or inconsolable due to discomfort from gas pains.
  2. Crying: Excessive crying, especially after feeding or during periods of burping or passing gas, can be a sign of gas discomfort in babies.
  3. Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Babies may exhibit signs of abdominal discomfort, such as pulling up their legs to their chest, arching their back, or squirming during feeding.
  4. Excessive Burping: Babies may burp frequently, especially during or after feeding, as their body tries to expel trapped air from their stomach.
  5. Passing Gas: Babies may pass gas more frequently than usual, and the gas may be accompanied by grunting or straining sounds.

safe remedies for relieving gas

Here are some simple home remedies that can provide comfort to a baby and potentially help in the expulsion of gas bubbles from the body:

  1. Burping: Make sure to burp your baby frequently during and after feedings to release trapped air from their stomach.
  2. Gentle Massage: Lightly massage your baby’s tummy in a clockwise or anticlockwise motion to help relieve gas discomfort. Use gentle pressure and be careful not to press too hard. Let your baby’s reactions guide your massage technique.
  3. Bicycle Legs: Lay your baby on their back and gently move their legs in a bicycling motion. This can help stimulate bowel movements and relieve gas.
  4. Warm Bath: Giving your baby a warm bath can help relax their muscles and ease gas pains. You can also try placing a warm towel or warm water bottle on their tummy for added relief.
  5. Tummy Time: Encourage your baby to spend some time on their tummy, as this can help release trapped gas and promote digestion.


If the gas is severe or there are other symptoms, a paediatrician may recommend testing to determine the cause.


While the association between C-section deliveries and gas-related issues in newborns is evident, Dr. Clara Guru believes that it is important for parents to remember that every baby is unique, and not all C-section babies will experience these challenges. Nevertheless, understanding the potential factors contributing to gas and colic in C-section babies can empower parents to take proactive steps to support their baby’s digestive health and comfort.

Explore UpTodd to unleash hidden abilities of the baby.


  1. What is colic?
  2. How is C-section delivery responsible for colic or gastric issues in some babies?
  3. Do we need to worry about gut bacteria?
  4. What are some common symptoms of gas in babies?
  5. What are some remedies for gas that parents can practice?


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