Parenting Insights

Cognitive foundation & baby development

Arnold Gesell, America’s premier pre-WWII paediatrician, conceptualised motor growth in infancy as under biological regulation on the basis of thorough observations. However only middle-class European American infants were analysed by Gesell. Subsequent studies carried out on infants from various cultural groups strongly questioned the biological determinism of Gesell. For example, when compared to middle-class European […]

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PIAGET THEORY – Cognitive development

Babies grow and develop rapidly in the first five years in the four main areas of development. These fields, cognitive and social/emotional, are motor (physical), linguistic and communication. Cognitive growth implies how kids think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills, problem-solving and arrangements that enable children to learn about

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Intelligence is genetic or due to environmental factors

Studying intelligence is difficult, in part because it can be described and evaluated in various ways. The capacity to learn from experiences and adjust to evolving situations is part of most meanings of intelligence. The ability to reason, organise, solve problems, think abstractly, and consider complex concepts requires elements of intelligence. Many studies depend on

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Garbhsanskar – Nurturing baby with care and love

GARBHSANSKAR Intro Garbhsanskar is as divine as it sounds. Garbh means “womb” and Sanskar means “ethics” or “values” Parenting your child and teaching ethics inside the mother’s womb can be the most blissful experience that any parent can imagine. The greatest evidence of Garbh Sanskar’s spiritual journey is our historical background. During pregnancy, the mother

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Process to Conceive Healthy baby

Research by Mayo Clinic, USA, and scientists at Oxford Academic, if a fertile couple does proper intercourse for 6 rhythm cycles, i.e. natural family planning cycle then they have above 99% possibility to conceive healthy baby To use the rhythm method follow these important steps – If even after 6 cycles you are not getting

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Pregnancy Exercise and its importance

Pregnancy Exercise is Important Keeping physically healthy and active during pregnancy provides many health benefits to women, including psychological betterment, improved aerobic fitness and a lower risk of overweight gain. For most pregnant women, daily pregnancy execise benefits the mother as well as the unborn child. Pregnant women will feel changes when they stay active

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